Why The Autumn Is The Best Season To Repair Your Roof

When you need a new roof to get installed, or at least to have repairs to your existing roof, the autumn is the best time of year. After the hot summers and before the harsh winters, autumn provides great weather, as you are given plenty of time to prepare for frigid airs, unforgiving snow blizzards, and bone-chilling ice. If you are planning to do some work on your roof, contact your roofing contractor as soon as possible, because they would need time to prepare to assemble a team to start a project at your home. Here is why you should plan your roof repair this fall.
Summer is the season of sun, but is also the season of unpredictable weather, like rain storms, gusts of wind, and hurricanes. Summer is usually the season that takes a toll on an aging roof the most. While summer is wrapping up, take a look at your roof for possible damage and see what this year’s weather has caused to it. By scheduling a roof contractor to perform a residential or commercial roof repair in advance, you will save money, rather than pay more to have the roofing done in an emergency situation.
Fall has warm enough temperatures to repair or replace a roof. If you have or want asphalt shingles on your roof, a clear day that is over 50 degrees Fahrenheit is good enough to install new shingles, due to what is known as “thermal sealing”. With thermal sealing, the shingles’ sealing adhesives can seal to the roof properly thank to the warmth of the air. While the summer time is also good for thermal sealing, your roofer will be able to enjoy roofing projects when it’s not extremely hot outside.
Shingles are known to get brittle and more fragile during colder temperatures. Even if sunny states like California do not get much snow each year, the temperatures can still make it unsuitable for roofing projects from the months of November through March. If temperatures are 25 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, installing shingles can be much more difficult, as they are likely to break when being fastened in place. Nail guns for roofing can also break shingles, meaning that builders must resort to the slow, hard process of nailing with hammers.
When winter comes, any existing holes or cracks can get worse when rain or snowfalls occur. Once you get a significant amount of snowfall on your damaged roof, you are subject to leaks through your ceiling. While it is unlikely that California will get a lot of snow this winter, you can never be sure with what will happen, and it is still necessary to prepare for the coming years of weather and prevent further damage to your roof.
Roofers do not enjoy doing commercial roof repairs in between the months of November and March. Even if roofers don’t have their hands full, do not expect for their services to come cheap during the winter. Roofing contractors tend to either take a long vacation during the winter, or work on projects in another field of work. Roofers will tend to want more money in order to work under colder conditions. As it is warmer and safer for them to work on your roof in the autumn, it makes sense to plan your roofing project before the winter starts.
And of course, you can get your roof repaired or replaced in the fall so that you can save on utility bills during the winter. A new and improved roof will keep warm air inside your home, and not disperse into the neighborhood.
Posted in: Commercial Roofing
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