The Benefits of Owning A Slate Roof

If you feel it’s time to make changes to your roof, there are various different roofing materials you can choose that offer different benefits. As asphalt shingle roofs are cheap and reliable, perhaps you would like another material that lasts longer and can add beauty to your home without question.
One roofing material that can do this job well is slate. The only way to install such a roof is with Los Angeles roofing repairs from qualified roofing contractors.
Slate is not known as an affordable roofing option, but all of its benefits make up for the cost. Here are three reasons why you should consider installing slate for your roof.
Slate Looks Pristine
The appearance of slate never goes unnoticed. First of all, you have a roofing material made of stone. Considering stone is a natural material, you can dramatically change the appearance of your home to make it look more nature-oriented. If you love nature and its benefits, slate will be the perfect direction to go in.
In addition to that, slate has a texture that isn’t found on any other roofing material. This texture can give your roof life and personality. No two slate shingles look exactly alike, and thus you have a roof that looks mesmerizing and thought-provoking.
Homeowners might jump to the conclusion that slate is only available in one color, but that cannot be further from the truth. Slate is available in a handful of colors, and synthetic slate has even more. You can choose shingles in one color, various shades of one color, our you can choose a stylish color scheme. Slate, like tile, is no stranger to customization.
Slate Will Certainly Outlive You
If you decide to buy a slate roof right now, you likely will never have to repair it again. These roofs can last up to a good 150 years, meaning that after you move or pass on, it can still be in great shape to serve other generations of family. In fact, it can take up to 5 roof replacements of well-maintained asphalt before it would be finally time to replace a well-maintained slate roof.
The reason why this is because slate is simply made of slabs of hefty stone. They don’t give into age, weather, and other conditions as fast as asphalt.
Slate Is Highly Resistant to Outside Forces
What is also great about slate roofing is that it is completely fireproof. It’s not possible for these roofs to catch fire, which makes them super-appealing for California homes. The more parts of your home that can’t catch fire, the easier it is to control fire in the event of one.
In case of high winds, slate roofs will also refuse to budge. Strong gusts of wind can be enough to knock a few shingles off of an asphalt roof, but with slate, every shingle will stay intact.
Slate Keeps Homes Cool
It’s hard for sunlight to penetrate slate roofing, considering that it’s thick and hard. But what this means is that far less heat will enter the home, reducing the need for air conditioning and other cooling measures. As a result, slate roofing can help cut costs on energy bills all year round.
Posted in: Commercial Roofing
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